spectating a game

Bristol Croquet Club - General Risk Assessment

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This Risk Assessment identifies hazards, and the associated controls and precautions, peculiar to the Club's premises and the sport of croquet. It does not address hazards that might equally be encountered in a domestic setting or during personal outdoor activity, with which members and visitors and contractors should already be adequately familiar, and therefore represent a relatively low risk.

See also the club's policy, Health and Safety Matters.

Any accidents that do occur should be reported to a Committee member as soon as practicable and recorded in the Accident Book (including all relevant details of when, what, how, why and to whom).

Date of Assessment: 15 March 2021
Assessment Conducted by: Club Committee
Date of Review: 14 March 2022

Hazard Who Might Be Harmed Controls And Precautions Further Actions And Responsibilities Date Completed Notes
Road traffic accident

Pedestrians on the footpath outside club gate

Pedestrians in Club grounds

The sightline on exiting the Club premises is narrow. Drivers and motorbike/bicycle riders are to exit Club grounds extremely slowly, no more than walking pace, bearing in mind the adjacent school and the likelihood of children walking or running along the footpath outside the Club gate. Warning sign posted just inside exit.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment

Coaches to brief new players.

Treasurer and Grounds Secretary to brief contractors and suppliers

Mar 2021


Mar 2021

Tripping Members, visitors and contractors

Boundary boards, hoops, balls and other playing equipment on lawns present an unusual tripping hazard. Animals sometimes dig holes in an otherwise flat lawn (any significant lawn damage should be reported to the Playing Equipment Coordinator). People on lawns must be vigilant to avoid tripping, and in particular, must avoid stepping or walking backwards while focussing on the game. Steps in front of the clubhouse should be used with due care, using the handrails provided if appropriate.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Grounds Secretary to brief grounds contractors.

Playing Equipment Coordinator to check lawns for damage

after reports.

Mar 2021


Mar 2021


Being struck by a fast-moving ball Members, visitors and contractors

Croquet balls weigh one pound and when hit hard travel at speeds that make them potentially dangerous. Players should be cautious about the danger to others when hitting a ball. Spectators and other players should maintain vigilance and move out of the way of a fast-moving ball. Great care should be taken when attempting to stop a fast-moving ball.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Grounds Secretary to brief grounds contractors.

Mar 2021


Mar 2021

Being struck by a mallet, a ball or clips Members and visitors

When a stroke is played in close proximity to a hoop or peg, or is otherwise hampered, there is a particular danger of an observer (e.g. a referee) being struck by a mallet, a ball or a clip. Extra care to avoid injury is to be taken in such circumstances.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Mar 2021


Slipping Members and visitors

Wet or frosted grass is slippery and the slopes adjacent to the lawns present a particular hazard. People should avoid the slopes as far as possible and be alert to the danger of slipping at all times.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Mar 2021


Substances hazardous to health Members, visitors and contractors

Lawn treatments include weed killers and fertilizers that are poisonous if ingested. People should avoid walking on lawns that have been treated until they have been well watered-in; if playing beforehand, players should take care to wash their hands thoroughly before touching their face or food and drinks.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Grounds Secretary to brief grounds contractors to place warning notices by lawns being treated.

Mar 2021


Mar 2021

Fire Members, visitors, suppliers and contractors

The clubhouse is built of wood and fibreboard and is highly flammable. Sheds are wood. The garage contains flammable substances. There is to be no smoking in the clubhouse, sheds or garage. All electrical equipment except refrigerators is to be switched off when the clubhouse is vacated and locked.

Club Guide to reflect this Risk Assessment.

Coaches to brief new players.

Treasurer and Grounds Secretary to brief suppliers and grounds contractors.

Mar 2021


Mar 2021

COVID Members, visitors and contractors Separate Risk Assessment compiled. Club Guide to reflect COVID Risk Assessment July 2020  

For more information, please email Chris Frew, who will be happy to help.